Our Plans

  • One-on-one tuition. Our most popular plan for comprehensive preparation. Prepay 10 lesson plan for in-person or online tuition.

    $550 for 10 x 1 hour lessons

    (Note: Our local competitors charge $650-750 for the equivalent 10 lesson plan)

  • $35 pp (2 students)

    $25 pp (3-4 students)

    Please note that the group must be assembled by the student requesting this form of tuition.

  • For a one-off lesson with one of our tutors, or on an as-needed-basis.


    (Note: Our local competitors charge $75-90 for a one-off casual lesson)

  • We understand private tuition is an expensive undertaking. If you have two or more children requiring tuition we offer an additional 10% discount per child.

  • In home tuition - additional $10 per tutorial (Christchurch City and Rangiora only)